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Featured Scrapplets:

TLC by Angie is a business site that utilizes the power of Scrapplet. Checkout all of the cool stuff!

Oh Happy Day! and -- don't worry, be Happy! Scrapplet used to express a happy feeling!!!

Home page of a Scrapplet virtual website, including automatically created navigation menus.

Art, photography, and commerce featured on Scrapplet. Check out all these goodies from down-under!

Rockin' Grandma, digital camera, cool backyard -- and this is what you get!

[See lots of great Scrapplet pages in the ALLSTARS area]

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My Movies - Template 002 (5.0000)
My Home Page (5.0000)
Help Nashville (4.0000)
Vist Vancouver (5.0000)
My Home Page (5.0000)

TIP: Turn your Scrapplets into a Virtual Website:

The Scrapplet pages you create can be shared individually, or they can be combined in any way you want to create a virtual web site.

Creating a virtual website involves specifying your “home” page. That’s the Scrapplet page people see first when they access your virtual web site. The home page is automatically set to your first Scrapplet page created, but you can change it to any page you want by going to “My Account” and specifying a different home page.

Then, you can add additional pages, including subdirectories, simply by specifying the desired address in the “Page Settings” for the specific Scrapplet page.

For example: http://www.scrapplet.com/yourname provides access to your home page. Set the address of a page to “/pictures/holiday/Christmas2008.htm” and then you can share the page using the following address:


You can also add navigation menus to your Scrapplet pages to easily move back and forth between your pages.

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